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所在位置: 首页 > 营销资讯 > 营销百科 > 中国至2050年空间科技发展路线图目录


时间:2023-07-08 10:00:01 | 来源:营销百科

时间:2023-07-08 10:00:01 来源:营销百科


n1 Introduction

n2 National Demands and Significance of Space Science, Applications and Technology in 2050

n2.1 Major problems confronting the development of China in 2050

n2.2 Strategic impact of space science, applications and technology on the development of China

n3 Trends of Space Science, Applications and Technology and Development Strategies for Space Powers

n3.1 Development strategies for space powers and features of global space activities

n3.2 Trends of global space science, applications and technology

n4 Research Status, Advantages and Disadvantages of China in Space Science, Applications and Technology

n5 Development Strategy and Roadmap for Space Science, Applications and Technology to 2050

n5.1 Guiding principles

n5.2 Vision

n5.3 Strategic goals and roadmap to 2050

n5.3.1 Strategic Goal 1 (Strategic goal of space science) and the roadmap

n5.3.2 Strategic Goal 2 (Strategic goal of space applications) and the roadmap

n5.3.3 Strategic Goal 3 (Strategic goal of space technology) and the roadmap

n5.3.4 Mutually dependent relationships of requirements and support among space science, applications and technology

n5.3.5 The general roadmap for space science, applications and technology

n6 Conclusion





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