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时间:2023-10-09 02:30:01 | 来源:网站运营

时间:2023-10-09 02:30:01 来源:网站运营


感谢 @Dan @tga @yichi 的帮助

code-free 无需编程

Flickgame https://www.flickgame.org/ 是由独立开发者 Stephen Lavelle 制作的工具 tiny game engine with online sharing as well as standalone export. 可以通过分配颜色以此来制作出有趣的交互,创作者通过用不同颜色绘制场景,然后规定玩家点击不同颜色区域,跳到不同的帧。 源码

PuzzleScript https://www.puzzlescript.net/ 还是由大神独立开发者 Stephen Lavelle制作的解谜制作工具 PuzzleScript is an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine. 源码

Plingpling https://www.plingpling.org/ 还是由大神独立开发者 Stephen Lavelle制作的专门制作三维桌面弹球游戏编辑器,风格和体量都类似Flickgame

Bitsy https://www.bitsy.org/#0,0 非常适合做一些探索与对话成分占主导的小型 RPG,很多人用它做一些实验性的互动诗歌与小故事/笑话 Bitsy is a little editor for little games or worlds.


LÖVE https://love2d.org/ is an awesome framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS. 网页端导出实验中 Love.js for LÖVE v11.3

Pico-8 https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php 是一个复古掌机卡带感很强的游戏创作工具,需要购买,是把绘图,地图编辑器,音效作曲,代码IDE都集成在一起的微缩游戏引擎,PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.

Amulet http://www.amulet.xyz/ 由独立游戏开发者 Ian MacLarty / itch页面 所制作 Amulet is a free Lua-based audio/visual toolkit suitable for small games and experimentation. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5, iOS, and Android. Github

interactive stories 非线性叙事

Inky https://www.inklestudios.com/ink/ 是由Inkle工作室所创建的能够更方便进行文本类游戏制作的编辑器,配合使用的是Ink语言,可以集成到Unity之中,也可以导出到Web,Inkle工作室用其开发了Heaven's Vault, 80 Days and Sorcery等作品。Inky is an editor for ink, inkle's markup language for writing interactive narrative in games,

Twine https://twinery.org/ 是一个开源免费的创建非线性叙事的工具,有非常好用的语法,接受很多Html原生语法的插入,编辑器有很清晰的可视化功能,导出web可以直接生成一个html文件,十分方便 Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.

Javascript Based 框架


Pixi.js https://www.pixijs.com/ The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, more flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

Phaser.js https://phaser.io/ Destop and Mobile HTML5 game framework: A fast, free and fun open source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser games.

p5.js https://p5js.org/ p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else

Kaboom.js https://kaboomjs.com/ Kaboom.js (beta) is a JavaScript library that helps you make games fast and fun!


PlayCanvas https://playcanvas.com/ THE WEB-FIRST GAME ENGINE Collaboratively build stunning HTML5 games and visualizations

Babylon.js https://www.babylonjs.com/ Our mission is to create one of the most powerful, beautiful, and simple Web rendering engines in the world

Three.js https://threejs.org/ Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL

OGRE https://www.ogre3d.org/ OGRE has grown to become one of the most popular open-source graphics rendering engines, and has been used in a large number of production projects, in such diverse areas as games, simulators, educational software, interactive art, scientific visualization, and others.

Game Engine 游戏引擎


Unity-tiny https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ProjectTinySamples 目前正在测试中 Github

Godot https://godotengine.org/

Javascript / Typescript

Cocos Creator https://www.cocos.com/creator 国产开源引擎,大部分适用于进行微信小游戏开发

Layabox https://www.layabox.com/

Egret https://www.egret.com/



Haxe https://haxe.org/ Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities.

题图来自 FlickGame Gallery


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