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时间:2023-05-14 03:03:02 | 来源:网站运营

时间:2023-05-14 03:03:02 来源:网站运营

牛牛社区独家推介:欧美游戏商都参加的国际活动:我是小手游,没时间,没预算参加那么多会议,咋办呢? 来,牛牛社区为你推荐全球最值得去的游戏大会活动,不去你就损失了!


尽管如此,行业活动让开发商形成了单人无法组成的连接。无论它是带来了一个有影响力的人,如聚会中的一名记者;或是排队与公司的下一个艺术总监一起喝咖啡,活动对手游的未来影响是无价的。 任何活动成功的秘诀都是有一个必须参加的理由和需要在活动里才能完成某事的感觉。是满足投资者,发行商还是接触关键记者的目标?确定这些目标,并专注于实现它们。注意不要在活动中陷入困境,被分散注意力或被炒作。


Digital Dragons
地点&时间:克拉科夫,波兰(5月)亮点:完美地秀出手游的地方价格:开发商早鸟票 113美元起 Digital Dragons位于东欧最美丽的城市之一,是移动和PC开发人员的重要据点。 而让Digital Dragons脱颖而出的原因是其一贯高品质的会谈活动,得到了Chillingo的喜爱,《Dying Light》的开发商Techland也是其常客。 Digital Dragons有一个核心独立展区,用许多不同的格式展示包括手游在内的最好的独立游戏。去年的冠军,Jutsu Games 的《911 Operator》继续大力宣传其Kickstarter营销活动,积累了超过其计划目标的400%,之后更是在Steam上大热。 如果开发商希望被发行商或投资者发现,Digital Dragons正是一个理想的地方。

地点及时间:旧金山(2月/ 3月)亮点:游戏行业最好的会议价格:早鸟博览会通行证 199美元起,会议通票999美元起 GDC是整个行业的年度盛会,在阳光明媚的旧金山举行。GDC的价格因开发商出发地的远近而有差异,虽然它是最昂贵的活动之一,但也是最有价值的活动之一。 GDC作为人才、人脉和资金的大熔炉,现场人潮汹涌而又热火朝天。峰会致力于独立游戏的发展、业务和营销,其会谈都是首屈一指的,以及截至2016年,所有平台上专门针对VR的系列会议。如果你想参加能得到真正的移动开发大佬的宝贵意见的会议,请一定来参加GDC。 简单来说,GDC是最棒的移动开发商分享成功秘诀的地方。

Casual Connect
地点及时间:柏林(2月);新加坡(5月);旧金山(7月);特拉维夫(11月)亮点:休闲手游的前沿讲座价格:每场活动550美元起 Casual Connect不是一次性的活动,而是到全世界不同城市、带来最便捷的休闲游戏状态的环球活动。手游是会谈和演讲的主要内容,特别是随着几年前免费游戏的兴起,Casual Connect一直处在手游开发的前沿。 如果开发商希望自己的手游成为主流,Casual Connect就是要来的地方,这里可以获得其他游戏活动无法匹敌的建议。每年活动地址都不一样,所以参加之前需要确认地址。

地点及时间:赫尔辛基(11月/12月)亮点:最大的VC们挖掘下一个投资的地方成本:早鸟票333美元起 Slush是由发行了《Clash of Clans》的Supercell公司发起的。虽然这个活动并不完全定位在游戏开发商(所有软件和创新公司都欢迎),手游依然是活动agenda高度重视的目标,仅仅是因为芬兰的首都全部是手游工作室。 除了去硅谷,赫尔辛基是开发商展示自己产品的场所,不用离开欧洲就能找到美国VC的投资。这些VC的到来意味着Slush的耀眼光芒,但这并不会影响开发商落实业务。Supercell为促进开发商和投资人在一个巨大又紧凑的会场进行会谈,现场摆满了长椅和桌子。

Mobile Games Forum
地点及时间:伦敦(1月);西雅图(10月)亮点:遇到手游业最名声响亮的人物价格:开发商免费,人数有限(需经批准) 伦敦一年一度的手游周的支柱之一是手游论坛。在1月的寒冷多雨的英国首都旅行,似乎不是最吸引人的,但它拥有MGF这样的巨星阵容。 在过去的几年中,在为期两天的活动已经得到了RovioKing和Wooga的喜欢,每家公司都各自深入分享了成功背后的秘密。MGF还设有一个宝贵的pitching会话,开发商可以提前购票注册,在关键的记者和投资人面前测试他们的游戏。这个会话通常发生在一天结束时,能帮助开发商在发布之前改进游戏和出售游戏的方式。 如果在伦敦有点远,MGF还将于10月在西雅图举行。

The 5 Best Events for Mobile Game Devs to Attend

For small mobile game studios living hand to mouth, any expense that doesn’t have an immediate benefit can seem like an indulgence. Chief among these indulgences is attending any of the myriad industry events that take place around the world each year. While the long-term benefits are there for all to see, there’s no guarantee that showing up to one particular event will lead to a leap in sales, making it hard to know which events to attend. Still, industry events enable devs to form connections that aren’t possible solely online. Whether it’s running into an influencer such as a journalist at an after-party or meeting the company’s next art director in line for a coffee, events can be invaluable for the future of a mobile game business. The secret to success at any event is to have a reason for going and a sense of what needs to be accomplished while there. Is the goal to meet investors, a publisher or get on the radar of key journalists? Pinpoint these objectives and focus on hitting them. Don’t get caught up in the event, distracted by the parties or caught in the hype. Here, we detail five of the best industry events from around the world to help indie devs decide which ones are worth their time and money.

Digital Dragons

Where & When: Krakow, Poland (May)

Draw: Perfect place to showcase a mobile game

Cost: Early bird developer tickets start from $113

Based in one of the most beautiful cities in eastern Europe, Digital Dragons is an important port of call for both mobile and PC developers. What makes Digital Dragons stand out, however, is the consistent high quality of the talks aimed at the mobile studios it plays host to, with the likes of Chillingo and Dying Light developer Techland as regular attendees. Digital Dragons also has an Indie Showcase right at its heart, displaying the best indie games across a multitude of different formats, including mobile. Last year’s winner, 911 Operator by Jutsu Games went on to smash its Kickstarter campaign, amassing more than 400 percent of its planned goal before hitting Steam. For devs looking to get spotted by a publisher or investor, Digital Dragons is an ideal place to do it.


Where & When: San Francisco (February/March)

Draw: Arguably the best games industry conference of any kind

Cost: Early bird expo passes start from $199, with conference passes starting at $999

GDC is the big daddy, the annual meeting point for the entire industry in sunny San Francisco. Though costs will naturally differ depending on where in the world a dev is traveling from, GDC is one of the most expensive events to attend but also one of the most valuable. It’s hectic, it’s packed, and it’s usually hot, but GDC is a melting pot of talent, contacts and money. The talks offered are second to none, with summits dedicated to indie development, business and marketing tracks, and—as of 2016—an entire series of sessions devoted to virtual reality on all platforms. GDC is one of the few events around the world where, if you pick out the talks you want to attend, you can gain honest, invaluable advice from genuine mobile development superstars. Long story short, GDC is where the best and brightest share their secrets with those who want to be the best and brightest of the future.

Casual Connect

Where & When: Berlin (February); Singapore (May); San Francisco (July); Tel Aviv (November)

Draw: Cutting-edge talks on casual mobile gaming

Cost: Tickets for individual events start from $550

Casual Connect is less a one-off event and more of a global tour, rolling into different cities across the world, but always bringing with it the sharpest take on the state of casual gaming. Mobile takes pride of place in its talks and presentations, and Casual Connect has always been on the bleeding edge of mobile game development, particularly when it came to the rise of free-to-play a few years ago. Casual Connect is where devs go if they want their mobile game to go fully mainstream, and the tips they can pick up here are unrivaled by any other games event in the world. Locations tend to change from one year to the next, however, so make sure you keep track on just where Casual Connect is headed next.


Where & When: Helsinki (November/December)

Draw: Where the biggest VCs meet their next investments

Cost: Early bird passes start from $333

Slush was founded by the house that Clash of Clans built—better known as Supercell. Though not strictly aimed at game developers (all forms of software and innovation are welcomed), mobile studios are high on the agenda purely because the Finnish capital is awash with them. Aside from heading over to Silicon Valley, Helsinki is the best spot for devs to show off their wares and pick up investment from American VC firms without leaving Europe. Such esteemed guests means Slush is quite the spectacle. But Slush’s showy nature doesn’t stop developers from getting down to business. The venue is filled with benches and tables designed for off-the-cuff meetings which Supercell has unashamedly designed to force talent and investors together in one massive, jam-packed venue.

Mobile Games Forum

Where & When: London (January); Seattle (October)

Draw: Meet the biggest names in mobile

Cost: Free for a limited number of developers (subject to approval)

One of the pillars of London’s annual Mobile Games Week is Mobile Games Forum. Traveling to the (more than likely) cold and rainy U.K. capital in January might not seem like the most appealing of trips, but when it comes to a stellar lineup, MGF is a powerhouse. In the last couple of years, the two-day event has hosted the likes of Rovio, King and Wooga, each giving an insight into the secrets behind their respective successes. MGF also features a valuable pitching session that devs can sign up for as part of their ticket to test their games out in front of key journalists and investors. Typically taking place at the end of day one, the pitching process helps developers sharpen up their game (and, indeed, the way they sell it) ahead of release. If hitting London is a bit of a stretch, MGF also hosts a sister event in Seattle in October.

本文由牛牛社区编译,原文作者Keith Andrew。转载请注明,并附上二维码或网址:http://www.newclan.io


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