15158846557 在线咨询 在线咨询
15158846557 在线咨询
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时间:2023-06-23 07:51:01 | 来源:营销百科

时间:2023-06-23 07:51:01 来源:营销百科

域名交易英文信件样本:回覆他人对您的网名的询价: 范例一(接受对方报价): Hello, I will take your offer, please let me know what payment method you would like to go for. Thanks, John Wu 范例二(表示原本不出售,但如果对方愿付高价,可考虑出售): Hello, Thank you for your inqury, I am not planning to sell this domain. However, if you make me a reasonable offer, I might consider to sell it to you. Regards, John wu 范例三(提高价钱): Hello, Thank you for your offer, however it is not a reasonable price for this domain. If you would make me an offer at $1500, I will be glad to sell it to you. Please let me know what you think. Thank you, John Wu 范例四(嫌对方出价太低而拒绝) Hello, Thank you for your offer, but I don't think it is a reasonable price, I will keep my domain for a higher offer. Anyway, thank you for your interest and good Luck. Regards, John Wu



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