时间:2023-10-07 19:18:02 | 来源:网站运营
时间:2023-10-07 19:18:02 来源:网站运营
,前端页面展示不同的弹窗。async getMainData() { try { const res = await activityQuery(); // 请求后端数据 this.styleType = res.styleType; if (this.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Reward) { this.openMoneyPop(); }else if (this.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Waitreward) { this.openShareMoneyPop(); } else if (this.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Poster) { this.openPosterPop(); } else if (this.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Activity) { this.openActivityPop(); } else if (this.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Balance) { this.openBalancePop(); } else if (this?.styleType === STYLE_TYPE.Cash) { this.openCashBalancePop(); } } catch (error) { log.error(MODULENAME, '主接口异常', JSON.stringify(error)); }}
这个代码的话看了就想打人,未来新增一种弹窗类型的话,我们需要到 getMainData
内部去补一个 else if
语言会怎么实现://StrategyExample test applicationclass StrategyExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Context context; // Three contexts following different strategies context = new Context(new FirstStrategy()); context.execute(); context = new Context(new SecondStrategy()); context.execute(); context = new Context(new ThirdStrategy()); context.execute(); }}// The classes that implement a concrete strategy should implement this// The context class uses this to call the concrete strategyinterface Strategy { void execute();}// Implements the algorithm using the strategy interfaceclass FirstStrategy implements Strategy { public void execute() { System.out.println("Called FirstStrategy.execute()"); }}class SecondStrategy implements Strategy { public void execute() { System.out.println("Called SecondStrategy.execute()"); }}class ThirdStrategy implements Strategy { public void execute() { System.out.println("Called ThirdStrategy.execute()"); }}// Configured with a ConcreteStrategy object and maintains a reference to a Strategy objectclass Context { Strategy strategy; // Constructor public Context(Strategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } public void execute() { this.strategy.execute(); }}
主要是利用到类的多态,根据传入 Context
中不同的 strategy
,来执行不同的 execute()
之前 js
是没有 class
关键字的,即使现在有了,也依然只是基于原型的语法糖,底层和 java
中函数是一等公民,可以当作参数传入和返回,因此实现策略模式我们完全不需要去定一个类,然后通过生成的对象调用方法。在 js
中我们只需要将函数传入即可。const strategies = { FirstStrategy() { console.log("Called FirstStrategy"); }, SecondStrategy() { console.log("Called SecondStrategy"); }, ThirdStrategy() { console.log("Called ThirdStrategy"); }}const execute = (strategy) => { return strategies[strategy]();}execute('FirstStrategy')execute('SecondStrategy')execute('ThirdStrategy')
上边主要演示了思想,实际开发中,我们完全可以把每种策略分文件单独写然后再 import
中抽离出来,只暴露一个打开弹窗的函数供业务调用。import { openPop } from './popTypes';async getMainData() { try { const res = await activityQuery(); // 请求后端数据 openPop(res.styleType) } catch (error) { log.error(MODULENAME, '主接口异常', JSON.stringify(error)); }}
然后就是 popTypes.js
文件。import { SHARETYPE } from './constant';const popTypes = { [STYLE_TYPE.Reward]: function() { ... }, [STYLE_TYPE.Waitreward]: function() { ... }, [STYLE_TYPE.Poster]: function() { ... }, [STYLE_TYPE.Activity]: function() { ... }, [STYLE_TYPE.Balance]: function() { ... }, [STYLE_TYPE.Cash()]: function() { ... },}export function openPop(type){ return popTypes[type]();}
Element UI
,对下边表单的 rule
一定很熟悉。const rule = { name: { type: 'string', required: true, message: '请输入名字' }, age: [ { type: 'number', message: '请输入number', }, { message: '年龄必须大于 18', validator: (rule, value) => value > 18, }, ]};
会帮助我们校验 name
是否是 string
是否是 number
。而 Element
其实是用的一个开源的 async-validator 校验库。type
的 validator
,然后会根据 rule
中的 type
来帮我们填充相应的 validator
文件,将这些策略导出。import string from './string';import method from './method';import number from './number';import boolean from './boolean';import regexp from './regexp';import integer from './integer';import float from './float';import array from './array';import object from './object';import enumValidator from './enum';import pattern from './pattern';import date from './date';import required from './required';import type from './type';import any from './any';export default { string, method, number, boolean, regexp, integer, float, array, object, enum: enumValidator, pattern, date, url: type, hex: type, email: type, required, any,};
校验前会执行下边的代码,通过 type
填充相应的 validator
。arr.forEach(r => { ... if (typeof rule === 'function') { rule = { validator: rule, }; } else { rule = { ...rule }; } // Fill validator. Skip if nothing need to validate rule.validator = this.getValidationMethod(rule); // 策略模式应用 if (!rule.validator) { return; } ...});});
策略模式的体现就是 getValidationMethod
方法了,让我们看一下实现。import validators from './validator/index'; // 导入所有策略getValidationMethod(rule: InternalRuleItem) { // 已经有了就直接返回 validator if (typeof rule.validator === 'function') { return rule.validator; } ... // 通过 type 得到相应的 validator。 return validators[this.getType(rule)] || undefined;}getType(rule: InternalRuleItem) { ... return rule.type || 'string';}
填充相应的 validator
之后接下来只需要遍历相应的 rule
然后校验就可以了。if else
或者 switch