时间:2023-07-07 11:51:01 | 来源:网站运营
时间:2023-07-07 11:51:01 来源:网站运营
渗透测试必备|一款优秀的web指纹识别工具:git clone https://github.com/EASY233/Fingercd Fingerpip3 install -r requirements.txt
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exitTarget: -u URL Input your url target -f FILE Input your target's fileOutput: -o OUTPUT Select the output format.eg(html,json,xml,default:html)DB: -type TYPE Select how you want to query -key KEY search for the keyword Usage:单一URL识别: python3 Finger.py -u http://www.baidu.com or www.baidu.com 批量URL识别: python3 Finger.py -f xx.txt输出方式:支持html,json,xml三种格式默认html格式用法:python3 Finger.py -f xx.txt -o json从数据库中查询信息:-type 查询方式可通过url,title,application,status等等方式支持模糊查询-key 查询关键字
threads = 20
指纹识别库在library/end.json中可执行添加修改,添加修改规则:{ "name": "WordPress", "cats": "Application", "html": ["<link rel=[/"']stylesheet[/"'] [^>]+wp-(?:content|includes)", "<link[^>]+s//d+//.wp//.com"], "meta": { "generator": "WordPress( [//d.]+)?//;version://1" } , { "name": "phpSQLiteCMS", "cats": "Application", "meta": { "generator": "^phpSQLiteCMS(?: (.+))?$//;version://1" }},{ "name": "非凡建站", "cats": "Application", "matches": { "url": "/images/Jobs_resume_up.gif", "md5": "041718edc41fb801317c3a0b1f4b7ca9" }}, { "name": "非凡建站", "cats": "Application", "matches": { "url": "/qq/images/mid4.gif", "md5": "a2d236f6cf10df3342e017a8aea7de31" }}