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时间:2023-04-28 08:24:01 | 来源:网站运营

时间:2023-04-28 08:24:01 来源:网站运营

一份国外做面料的商家名单及网址,有兴趣的可以看看:名称 网站

Akhtar Fabrics


Fabric London fabric nightclub, london

New Rainbow Textiles Ltd Home - New Rainbow Textiles

Starsign Fabrics https://starsignfabrics.com

Ian Mankin British Weavers of Designer Fabrics

Joshitex UK Ltd http://joshitex.co.uk

Stylish Fabrics and textiles. Tailoring and alterations https://stylish-fabrics-and-textiles-tailoring-and.business.site

Omed UK Ltd Omed UK limited

Shepherds Bush Fabrics London https://shepherds-bush-fabrics-london.business.site

Stitchery Do Stitcherydo: Home

Lady Sew and Sew http://ladysewandsew.co.uk

Susie Watson Designs - Marlow Susie Watson Designs - Beautiful Handmade Interior Furnishings

Memsaab Chalvey HOME | deactivate-domain

Gilroy Interiors Curtains, shutters & Blinds in Hitchin, Cambridge & Gerrards Cross

Concord Fabrics UK Ltd Suppliers of Premium 100% Cotton Patchwork, Quilting Fabrics, Solid dyes, Textures and Printed fabrics

Chess Designs Home - Chess Designs

Sewisfaction Home

The fabric and Sewing Box https://the-fabric-box.business.site

Needlecraft Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire's leading fabric centre based in Hemel Hempstead

Interior Fabrics http://interior-fabrics.co.uk

silkandlace online http://silkandlace-online.com

Fabric World https://fabricworldlondon.co.uk

Fabric Land https://fabricland.co.uk

Fabric Galore https://facebook.com

loving the fabric Loving the Fabric - Fine Fashion Fabric sold by appointment in Southwest London

Creative Quilting Welcome

Fabric House The Fabric House

Anne & Paul's http://anneandpauls.co.uk

Fashion n Fabrics Fashion 'n' Fabrics

Chelford Fabrics Ltd Home - Chelford Fabrics

The Textile Centre Dress Fabric | Fashion Fabric | The Textile Centre

Chantilly Interiors Chantilly Interiors

Village Fabrics & Interiors Village Fabrics & Interiors

Zahra Fabrics http://zahrafabrics.com

Partap Fashion Fabrics Online Wholesale Fabric Suppliers UK

Quality Fabrics QFabs.com is for sale

Agua Fabrics Home

Rontex Fabrics Rontex Fabrics - ORIGINAL

Shepherds Bush Fabric W11 Man with Van Shepherds Bush Removals W12 Removal Company

A To Z Registrant WHOIS contact information verification

Unique Fabrics Welcome To Unique Fabrics (UK) Ltd

Rainbow Fabrics http://www.rainbowfabricsonline.co.uk/

Fabric Warehouse Domain Default page

Joel & Son Fabrics http://www.joelandsonfabrics.com/

Jaisons Fabrics Jason's Fabrics - London

Elite Design Fabrics Elite Design Online Fabrics

Button Backs Chairs & Fabrics Spam Check

Romo Fabrics Romo Fabrics | Designer Fabrics & Wallcoverings, Upholstery Fabrics

Borovick Fabrics http://www.borovickfabrics.com/

Fabrics Galore Fabric Shop - Buy Materials Online | Fabrics Galore

Fabric Land London (Kingston) https://www.fabricland.co.uk/fabric-stores/fabric-land-london-kingston/

Dalston Mill Fabrics http://www.dalstonmillfabrics.co.uk/

Tai Fabrics African Clothes Store-Tai Fabrics-East Street London

Epra Fabrics http://www.eprafabrics.co.uk

African Queen Fabrics African Queen Fabrics

Mermaid Fabrics Mermaid Fabrics / Huge Range of Fabrics, Hackney

Wallpaper & Fabric Official Wallpaper Online Ltd Store

Fabric Care Dry Cleaners London , Laundry Services, Clothing Repairs, Alterations in SW9 London

Rolls & Rems Rolls & Rems

Pickwick Papers & Fabrics Home Page!

Calico Fabrics Dress Fabrics | Calico

Fabric Shop London http://fabricshoplondon.com/

Fabric Shop Home - Sew Over It

Just Fabric Upholstery Fabric

Steve Bane Fabrics (Curtains, Blinds & Shutters) Steve Bane Fabrics ltd. Online

Fabric Magic Two Floors of Dress Fabrics, Curtains and Yarns.

Magnificent Material Co The Magnificent Material Co.

Country Threads http://countrythreadspatchwork.co.uk

Baker & Gray http://bakergray.com

Granny Dot's Emporium http://grannydotsemporium.co.uk

the fabric shed http://thefabricshed.co.uk

Jane Clayton & Company Designer wallpaper and fabric

Lindsay's Linens http://lindsayslinens.co.uk

Midsomer Quilting Quilting Fabrics | Award Winning | Midsomer Quilting

The Fabric Barn Clearance Designer Soft Furnishing Fabrics

Carpet and Fabrics Direct Carpets | Fabrics | Curtains | Blinds | Bristol | Somerset

The Hive http://sheptonhive.co.uk

Dilliway & Dilliway Dilliway & Dilliway | Directly Imported Indian GoodsDilliway & Dilliway | Directly Imported Indian Goods

JRI Design + Soft Furnishings http://jridesign.co

Inches Inches

Top To Bottom Ltd http://toptobottomdirect.co.uk

Mrs McGregor's Craft Emporium http://mrsmcgregors.com

No Naked Windows No Naked Windows | The home of beautifully made soft furnishings

Craft and More https://angat99.wixsite.com

Sew Vintage https://en-gb.facebook.com

Hansons Fabrics & Crafts Welcome to Hansons Fabrics & Crafts

Forge Fabrics http://forgefabrics.co.uk

Happy Stitcher Pamphill Dairy

Modo Interiors MODO Interiors - Soft furnishings and upholstery - Dorset

Meg Morton Linen Fabrics Country Style Printed Linen Fabrics And Wallpapers | Meg Morton Country Style Printed Linen Fabrics And Wallpapers | Meg Morton

Cotton Moon HOME

Elisabeth Rose http://elisabethrose.co.uk

Perfect Rooms http://perfectrooms.co.uk

Fabric Shack Fabric Shack

Loose Ends Fabrics & Workshop Loose Ends Fabrics and Workshop

Fabric & Flair Fabric and Flair

Fabrics At Home Fabrics at Home Devizes

Koala Kreations Welcome to Koala Kreations Home to Hundreds of Beautiful Dress Fabrics, Quilting Fabrics, Haberdashery, Jewellery, Childrens Toys and Games

Fabrictime Cotton Fabric, Denim, Stretch Dress, Pure Cotton

Fabrics Fabrics at Home Devizes

Kwilters Korner HOME

The Patchwork Rabbit Primitive cross stitch, punchneedle, patchwork and quilting in Devizes, Wiltshire. @ The Patchwork Rabbit

Sew N Sew http://www.bathguildhallmarket.co.uk/

Fashion Fabrics http://fashionfabricsbath.co.uk/

B & R Textiles http://www.bandrtextiles.co.uk

The Magnificent Material Company The Magnificent Material Co.

Foam Cut to Size Fabric shop | Foam Cut to Size

Sooz Custom Clothing Alterations, Curtains, Fabric and Haberdashery in Okehampton, Devon

All Sewn Up All Sewn Up Fabrics

Threads Design Ltd. Home - Threads Interior design, Launceston Cornwall

Make at 140 Make at 140 & Funky Poppy - Shop and workshops

Sew Enchanting Patchwork Quilt Patterns, Quilting Fabrics & Quilt Supplies

Niki's Soft Furnishings http://nikissoftfurnishings.co.uk

Soft Touch Needlecraft http://softtouchneedlecraft.co.uk

Finishing Touches http://juliafinishingtouches.co.uk

Merchants and Makers Merchants and Makers

FABRIC AND FURNITURE Fabric and Furniture Upholstery and Home Furnishing UK

M M Products Ltd http://trademill.co.uk

Belly Stockings Belly Stockings™ - Belly Dancing Direct Ltd

Kernow Fleece KernowFleece

Cowslip Workshops Cowslip Workshops - Launceston's Specialist Patchwork Shop & Cafe

Painters Art & Craft Shop https://painters-art-craft-shop.business.site

Tala Valley Upholstery Tala Valley Upholstery

We Love Fabric We Love Fabric homepage

Hulu Yarn shop and fabric shop in Devon

Haberdashery Fabrics & More Haberdashery Fabrics Knitting Buttons Plymouth

Ultimate Fabrics Discounted Designer Curtain Fabric / Upholstery Material

Dave Nicholls Upholstery http://davenichollsupholstery.co.uk

Magenta Rose Designs: beautiful fabric flowers Protected Blog › Log in

Hobbycraft Shop Craft Supplies Online

Custom Merch and Print Custom Merch and Print

Elliru Design http://ellirudesigns.com

Newberry and Payne Newberry and Payne

Phil Hatch Upholstery - Home

Interior Visions discounted designer furnishing fabrics

KK-Design KK Design

Merlin Interiors http://merlininteriors.co.uk

Leo Workwear (Leo Textiles Ltd) Leo Workwear

Clovelly Silk https://clovellysilk.com

CQC Ltd CQC - a world leading manufacturer of Military Equipment

Padfields Of Barnstaple http://padfields.com

Cudmore's Upholstery Cudmore Upholstery

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