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国内新网域名被盗被转godaddy 找回全过程 教程

时间:2023-01-28 05:08:01 | 来源:建站知识

时间:2023-01-28 05:08:01 来源:建站知识

自发布帮人找回godaddy的域名这一信息以来,帮助不少朋友找回来了域名。前几天,有一个叫张玉(化名)的朋友联系我,问我能不能帮他们找回在国内新网被盗,然后被转到godaddy 的域名,我觉得有一定难度,但自信对godaddy的各部门及办事原则有一定的了解。所以说要试试。张玉用原先的域名建的是一个教育类网站,名字叫“*学*课”,域名是“s*x*k.com”(为了保护客户隐私,删去了一部门文字)。幸运的是,他的域名刚刚被盗不久,就联系了我。我和godaddy的撤销部门客服部门等都先取得了联系,询问我应该和他们的哪个部门联系,信的内容如下:

Please tell me what department I will contact ?

Dear Sir:

My name is "Yu Zhang". My domain is s*k.com.com,

The domain was registered by me at domain name company in China . But it has been transferred to godaddy company a few days ago.

Please tell me what department I will contact ? I can provide my ID card and proof of chinese domain name company .

Please help me to freeze this domain name .

Please try to help me.




Dear Administrators of Go Daddy,

I’m writing for two purposes. One is to state a problem concerning my domain (s*k.com.com) being illegally transferred to Go Daddy and the other is to seek help from you on procedures to transfer the domain back to the registration company (xinnet.cn) with which I originally registered the domain and gain back the ownership of the domain.

My domain (s*k.com.com) was illegally transferred to Go Daddy by someone unknown to me on August 14th, 2011 (I got the exact date from the local police), but it was the day before yesterday that I just discovered the transference. I couldn’t actually figure out what was going on with my domain and who might transfer it to Go Daddy and for what purposes he/she did that, it was for sure, however, that it would be a great threat to my website and will definitely bring a great loss to my business if I couldn’t gain the domain back.

I am writing directly to communicate with you because I have already tried various ways in China but not very effectively. As soon as I discovered the original registration company (xinnet.cn) with which I registered my domain directed me to negotiate the issue with you. They told me since the domain has already to transferred to Go Daddy, they couldn’t actually do anything about it. And then I reported the case to the local police. They offered me the date when it was transferred but further investigation requires more technical evidences and takes longer time. I don’t think I could wait that long. I called your service line twice and your service staff told me that I should seek legal support via email, so I decided to write to you to make this appeal.

On the one hand, what I want I would like you to do is to tell me the legal procedure to gain a transferred domain back. I believe I have all the required original proof to provide you. On the other hand, during the period of this appeal, I sincerely ask you to enable a normal operation of the websites with the domain (s*k.com.com) but disable any attempt to Modify a Name Server and block the transference to any other registration company.

It was really shocking to me upon the discovery because since I registered this domain almost 4 years ago, I have run the website with great success. The website has always been like my own baby to whom I have spent almost all my time and money and love, which is an important part of my life. So I really hope you could understand my feelings, anxiety and worries over the problem.

Eager to get your reply! Thank you very much for your help!

All the best!

Sincerely yours,

Zhang yu


Dear Sir or Madam:

This law firm represents and is now acting on behalf of Mr. Zhang Yu who is the registrant of the domain – s*k.com.com.

Mr. Zhang Yu bought the domain s*k.com.com in May 12, 2008 from Xinnet.com(IDC China) and used the domain to now. But somebody illegally hacked into the backstage of Xinnet.com, stole the domain and transferred it to Godaddy.com without Mr. Zhang Yu’s authorization in Aug. 9, 2011.

Mr. Zhang Yu has all kinds of proofs to confirm his ownership and he wants the domain back. We have also informed Xinnet.com about the above situation. They admitted their mistake and now they would do anything possible to help us getting the domain back.

Because the domain is very important to Mr. Zhang Yu and his company, Could you please placed the domain under registrar lock and an administrative freeze to prevent any change or transfer firstly.

And please help us to process this problem and get the domain back. If you need anything proof, please keep us informed.

I am look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much.

Best regards

Gary Meng

Partner & Attorney at law



----- Original Message -----


To: mengge@wslawyer.org


Sent:Fri Sep 2 02:53:16 UTC+0800 2011

Subject: RE: [FWD: lawyer's letter about s*k.com.com]

Dear Mr. Meng,

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, you will need to seek assistance from the former registrar, xinnet.com. You may wish to ask them to investigate the transfer away or ask them to lodge a transfer dispute on your behalf. Please let them know that if they choose to request information from our company, we will be happy to cooperate. Per the UDRP, registrars are prohibited from making changes to a domain name without direction from a court or arbitration forum. If you are unable to come to a satisfactory agreement with the current registrant, you may wish to go through a court or arbitration forum (). When we receive notice of a pending legal dispute we will lock the domain name so that it cannot be transferred or otherwise modified. Likewise, when we receive a decision, we will update the domain name accordingly.

Kind Regards,

Fleurette Houser

GoDaddy.com, Inc.

Domain Services

我对张玉说,得要新网的证明,张玉就写了一个证明,大概内容是域名在新网注册,然后被盗。要新网盖章,新网说不能给盖章。我说你说是被盗,人家肯定不会给你盖章的。不过我觉得godaddy要能承认,必须得有两个要素,一个要素是要新网证明你是最初的注册人,一个要素是说被转出是没有经过授权的。 我说要新网盖英文的章或双语的章,人家才能承认,考虑到新网可能没有这样的章,我说要在签名盖章处用英文写上“新网盖章处”字样。没想到新网在中文证明上盖了章,说什么也不肯在英文证明上盖章,说是怕有歧义。






Dear Zhang Yu,

Thank you for your message.

Please complete the attached form and return it to transferdisputes@godaddy.com for assistance.


Matthew Bilunes

Disputes Supervisor

GoDaddy.com, Inc.




如果有朋友丢了心爱的域名。可以百度搜 爱晴皇岛。或者淘宝搜 家美莲商城 寻求帮助。

我的联系手机是18833805968 QQ: 1736889185



作者:爱晴皇岛 转载自:爱晴皇岛的博客



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