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CM Punk常用招式

时间:2023-06-14 05:15:01 | 来源:营销百科

时间:2023-06-14 05:15:01 来源:营销百科

CM Punk常用招式:Arm trap swinging neckbreaker

Arm wrench followed by stepping a leg over the wrenched arm and performing a mule kick with the leg below the opponent's face


Diving crossbody

Diving elbow drop – Used as a tribute to Randy *Savage

Double underhook backbreaker

Hammerlock twisted into a short-range lariat

Koji clutch

Leg lariat

Mongolian chop

Repeated elbow strikes to an opponent's chest

Rope hung arm trap can opener

Roundhouse kick

Sitout suplex slam

Slingshot somersault senton

Snap scoop powerslam

Springboard clothesline

Step-up enzuigiri

Step-up high knee to a cornered opponent followed by a bulldog

Suicide dive

Super frankensteiner

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

Shining Wizard

Welcome to Chicago, Motherf*cker(~Double Underhook Backbreaker)


Split Leg Moonsault

Devil Lock DDT/Hammerlock DDT

Punk-Handle Piledriver

Inverted Hurricanrana

Crooked Leg Moonsault

Suicide DiveNeckbreaker over the Knee

Delayed Vertical Suplex

Pepsi Twist (Hammerlock into Clothesline)

Catapult Sommersault Senton

Tiltawhirl Backbreaker

The Jackie Chan

The Face Wash

Running Low Yakuza Kick to Corner

Rolling Samoan Drop

Flying Corkscrew Crossbody

The Blockbuster

Arm Wrench Mule Kick

Python lock larynx


G.T.S. (Go-To-Sleep Sleep forever)(永远沉睡)

Avalanche pedigree (雪崩式名门攻击)(注:因此招危险度极高被WWE列为禁招,故此招从未在WWE使用过)


Pythonthroat lock(巨蟒锁喉)



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