时间:2023-02-19 09:42:01 | 来源:建站知识
时间:2023-02-19 09:42:01 来源:建站知识
com 域名涨价终究还是来了:.com 域名的价格将在九年后首次上涨,将于 2021 年 9 月 1 日正式生效。.com
域名注册商的价格一直维持在 7.85 美元。而在今年 1 月的时候 .com 域名注册机构威瑞信(Verisign)突然宣布,它将向注册商收取的 .com 注册和续订批发价格从 7.85 美元提高到 8.39 美元,这个价格不包括 ICANN 收取的 0.18 美元的额外费用。The registry, Verisign, will be increasing prices for .COM domains starting on September 1, 2021. This means that unfortunately, NameSilo will need to do the same. We are contacting you because you have active or expired .COM domain(s) in your account.也就是说 NameSilo 的 com 域名注册和续费价格将从 8.99 美元涨价到 9.95 美元,转入价格将从 8.39 美元涨价到 8.99 美元每年。
There is still time to take advantage of the current lower prices by renewing your current domains and registering any new .COM names before September 1.
New Prices - our new prices for .COM domain(s) will be as follows: Registration: Current price - $8.99 USD/domain New price - $9.95 USD/domain
Renewal: Current price - $8.99 USD/year New price - $9.95 USD/year
Transfer: Current price - $8.39 USD/domain New price - $8.99 USD/domain