时间:2022-07-29 14:21:02 | 来源:建站知识
时间:2022-07-29 14:21:02 来源:建站知识
一周前,在网上发布了最新版本的比较流行的SEO软件工具IBP(IBusiness Promoter),这次新版是Internet Business Promoter(IBP) 10.0.3功能比较齐全,该软件最大的特点就是此10.0版本的新承诺保证:让你的网站稳居GOOGLE,YAHOO搜索引擎前十位。
首先是:在google排名前十的保证,为什么能这样承诺呢,来看看他们新功能及服务:Better, bigger, easier, more powerful,像目前流行于国内的很好很强大,至于软件到底有什么出众之处呢?
国外有站网站评论对此软件的定位与服务承诺这样说:The most important feature of IBP 10 is our new guarantee: top 10 rankings or money back! We are absolutely sure that IBP 10 is a website promotion tool that delivers。
- 用户界面更友好General user interface: IBP is now much easier to use. Fewer clicks are required to perform a task. The whole user interface has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible。
- 关键词更便捷的管理操作,可以更快速的在同行业,相关网站寻找最佳关键,并给出指导意见的评价报告。Keyword Manager: IBP 10 makes it easier than ever to find the best keywords for organic search engine optimization and pay per click. The new Keyword Manager integrates many powerful tools into one easy to use interface. Outperform your competitors by using the best keywords.
- 网站排名前十位的优化功能,操作是用户输入目标关键词,比如:SEO,这时候软件会自动罗列出目前排名前十位的网站,并将网站下载到本地分析,给出一个相当详细的分析报告,可以在线与离线查看这些报告文档,文档类型有多种像.html,.pdf,txt等,任意选择,及时分析排名在前的网站,对于商务站很有意义,同行业的竞争目标词,可是利用这个软件将竞争网站的最佳关键词分析出来,这样你可以利用他们的分析报告厅的指导意见,制作一些更利用网站排名的关键词在竞争中获得胜利。Top 10 Optimizer: The new Top 10 Optimizer now analyzes both on-site and off-site factors. It features the all-new Top 10 Requirements Score that makes it as easy as possible to optimize your website for top 10 rankings on Google.
- 链接管理工具,可以快速寻找高质量的共用连接,并通过智能填表工具填写表单,可以分析链接回馈(一并分析链接是否有效), ARELIS 是帮助你建立符合搜索引擎规则的强大的外部链接管理工具。ARELIS Link Manager: Quickly find high quality links, submit your website to sites with link suggestion forms, track your success and much more. ARELIS is a powerful tool that helps you to build powerful links while following all search engine rules.
- 网站提交管理工具,这里软件的一个子功能,可以实现多搜索引擎,目录类,关注度高的网站等网站的提交。Submission Manager: Automatically submit your website to search engines, submit your website to Internet directories, special interest sites and much more. The new Submission Manager in IBP 10 makes it as easy as possible to announce your website on the Internet.
- 排名管理,可以很方便的以不同的关键词查看各大搜索的排名情况及收录结果,并可以导出分析报告。Ranking Manager: The much improved ranking manager in IBP 10 shows you how your website is ranked on different search engines for different keywords. IBP 10 also tracks your progress and it shows the results in easy to understand diagrams and charts.
- 分析报告,这功能可能是这个软件的特色之处,很详细的报告,并且都能够导出,给出参考意见,供用户参考,用户当然也可以按分析报告自己做相应处理。Report and charts: IBP 10 makes it as easy as possible to create custom reports in your company design with no reference to IBP. Offer your clients professional reports with high quality charts.
- 帮助文档,更明确清楚的帮助文档做用户使用过程中查看。Checklist: IBP 10 now offers an easy to use checklist in the main window. The checklist makes sure that you do the right things in the right order and that you'll get top 10 rankings as quickly as possible.
这里只是罗列的一些网站里的说明,其实功能还需要用户自己去发现. 最新版本的可以进入 Internet Business Promoter(IBP) 10.0.3下载,但这软件是商务版软件,是需要付费服务的,网站有提供免费注册码的,我找到一个8.0版式本的,可以使用注册码注册使用,自动可以升级到10的最新版本。如果有兴趣想了解一下的话,可以到我的苏州SEO网站提供IBP 8.1 商业注册版(Internet Business Promoter 8.1)免费下载 。注册码在下载页面提供了,不了解的地方可以Q我:253440253.
当然了,国内在SEO工具方面将功能综合起来的比较好软件,可能就数SEO Helper 网站开发的SEO 工具软件。目前有免费版客户端可以供网友下载,网站是 ,其主要为用户提供SEO相关的信息查询服务,从而使用户能够更方便地了解各种信息,如网站在百度、谷歌、雅虎、搜狗等搜索引擎的页面收录数量和反向链接数量,网站的PageRank值、Alexa排名,Google事件相关性查询,网页检测等功能。使用过后效果还不错,有兴趣的朋友可以到下载试试。