时间:2023-03-17 16:20:01 | 来源:电子商务
时间:2023-03-17 16:20:01 来源:电子商务
在线旅游电商数据分析二三事SELECT a.*, (@i :=@i + 1) AS 'id'FROM oneday1108 a, (SELECT @i := 0)bORDER BY capture_time;
新表结构如下图:SELECT product, sales, product_showprice, supplyFROM oneday1108WHERE sales>0ORDER BY sales DESC;
SELECT 1108new_id.id, 1108new_id.product as '线路', 1108new_id.sales as '1108销量', oneday1020.sales as '1020销量', (oneday1020.sales - 1108new_id.sales) as '国庆增量', round((oneday1020.sales - 1108new_id.sales)/7) as '国庆日增销量', round(1108new_id.sales/30) as '平时日均销量', 1108new_id.product_showprice as '线路最低价', 1108new_id.supply as '供应商', oneday1020.product as '曾用线路名'FROM 1108new_idJOIN oneday1020 ON(oneday1020.product_link = 1108new_id.product_link)WHERE 1108new_id.sales>0ORDER BY (oneday1020.sales - 1108new_id.sales) DESC;
oneday1020是10月20日爬取的数据表select count(case when product_showprice >1000 then 1 end) as '大于1000',count(case when product_showprice between 900 and 999 then 1 end) as '900-999',count(case when product_showprice between 800 and 899 then 1 end) as '800-899',count(case when product_showprice between 700 and 799 then 1 end) as '700-799',count(case when product_showprice between 600 and 699 then 1 end) as '600-699',count(case when product_showprice between 500 and 599 then 1 end) as '500-599',count(case when product_showprice between 400 and 499 then 1 end) as '400-499',count(case when product_showprice between 300 and 399 then 1 end) as '300-399',count(case when product_showprice between 200 and 299 then 1 end) as '200-299',count(case when product_showprice between 100 and 199 then 1 end) as '100-199',count(case when product_showprice <100 then 1 end) as '99以下'from 1108new_id;
99以下的低质特价团有不少,线路价格主要集中在100-400之间。select sum(case when product_showprice >1000 then sales end) as '大于1000',sum(case when product_showprice between 900 and 999 then sales end) as '900-999',sum(case when product_showprice between 800 and 899 then sales end) as '800-899',sum(case when product_showprice between 700 and 799 then sales end) as '700-799',sum(case when product_showprice between 600 and 699 then sales end) as '600-699',sum(case when product_showprice between 500 and 599 then sales end) as '500-599',sum(case when product_showprice between 400 and 499 then sales end) as '400-499',sum(case when product_showprice between 300 and 399 then sales end) as '300-399',sum(case when product_showprice between 200 and 299 then sales end) as '200-299',sum(case when product_showprice between 100 and 199 then sales end) as '100-199',sum(case when product_showprice <100 then sales end) as '99以下'from 1108new_id;